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John Durkin was born in Allentown,Pennsylvania, and chose to make Pensacola, Fl his home several years ago. Where he has participated in many events, and shown his work often.


He is a self taught Artist, Visionary, a Savant Creator without boundaries. It is his goal to live, create, and share with you his inner thoughts and feelings without societal filters.


Life is meant to be viewed by each of us, openly and without bias. It is only those living within the proverbial “box” that are unable to see the beauty of the light and darkness that surround us every day.


What you see and what he sees are always different in perspective. If he can give you just a glimpse into the world that is his reality then he has succeeded beyond measure.


So please open your mind and heart, come into his world for awhile. Should something speak to you please feel free to comment.


After all aren’t we all Defying Boundaries, each in our own way.



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